Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR 2023)


Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR 2023)

28 October 2022

The ADR is a regulatory instrument that applies to international transport in 53 countries. it applies to national transportation by road in many countries (in particular the countries of the European Union).

The ADR lays down requirements for transport operations, driver training and the construction and approval of vehicles. The 2023 edition has been prepared on the basis of amendments which are set to enter into force on 1 January 2023, after acceptance by the Contracting Parties.

Author: UN, ECE
Publication date: October 2022
Page count: 1344
Language(s) in this book: English
Sales number: 22.VIII.2

This publication can be obtained from distributors of United Nations Publications or from the Sales Office (see how to order).

Fonte: UNECE


ADR è l’accordo internazionale per il trasporto di merci pericolose su strada, acronimo di “Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road”. L'Accordo è stato sottoscritto a Ginevra il 30 settembre 1957 sotto gli auspici della Commissione economica delle Nazioni Unite per l'Europa, ed è entrato in vigore il 29 gennaio 1968. Con il D.Lgs. 40/2000 (GU n. 52 del 03.03.2000) è stata istituita la figura del Consulente per la sicurezza dei trasporti di merci pericolose (Consulente ADR). Il D.Lgs. 40/2000 è stato poi abrogato dal D.Lgs. 35/2010.

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